Dr. Ali Farghaly
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
I Education
• Ph.D. in Linguistics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1981.
• MA in Linguistics & English Language Teaching, University of Leeds, UK, 1975.
• Diploma in Linguistics & English Language Teaching,, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, UK, 1974.
• BA in English Language & Literature, University of Alexandria, Egypt, 1966.
• Certificate in Computer Information Systems: Analysis and Design, University of Berkely, Berkely, CA – In Progress.
II. Appointments
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Text Group, Oracle USA, Redwood Shores, CA, September 2006 – Present.
Adjunct Professor of Arabic Linguistics, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA, January 2005 – Present.
Senior Linguist, Cataphora Inc., Redwood City, CA, December 2004 – June 2006.
Senior Linguist, SYSTRAN Software Inc., San Diego, CA June 2002 – December 2004.. Computational Linguist, Inxight Software Inc., Mountain View, CA, March 2002 – May 2002.
Senior Linguist, YY Software Inc. March 2000 – December 2001.
Senior Lecturer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996 – 1999.
Professor of Linguistics and Chair of the English Department, Academy of Arts, Giza, Egypt, 1994 – 1995.
Professor of Linguistics, Suez Canal University, Egypt 1993 – 1994.
Associate Professor of Linguistics, The American University in Cairo, 1989 – 1993.
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Kuwait University, 1985 – 1984.
Asst. Director for Academic Affairs, Language Center, Kuwait University, 1984 – 1985.
Research Linguist, Omnitrans of California, 1983 – 1984.
III. Selected Publications (i)
1. “Information Retrieval and the Arabic Noun Construct”, Proceedings of the CAASL2 workshop, Summer Linguistic Institute, Stanford, 2007.
2. “Intuitive Coding of the Arabic Lexicon”, Proceedings of MT Summit IX, Workshop on Machine Translation for Semitic Languages: Issues and Approaches, New Orleans, September 2003. http://www.amtaweb.org/summit/WS2/MT_Summit_IX_Semitic_Workshop.htm
3. With Joseph Dichy, “Root & Pattern Vs. Stem: On what grounds should a multilingual database centered on Arabic should be built?’ Proceedings of MT Summit IX, New Orleans, , Workshop on Machine Translation for Semitic Languages: Issues and Approaches, 2003. http://www.amtaweb.org/summit/WS2/Dichy+Farghaly_paper.pdf
4. 3. “An Arabic Lexical Functional Grammar for Parsing”, Cairo Studies in English, Cairo University Press, 1991:115 - 137.
5. “A Natural Language Understanding System for Arabic (NLUSA), Proceedings of the First Kuwait Computer Conference, March 27-29, 1989, Kuwait, PP. 622-594.
6. Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing”, Alam El Fikr, Kuwait, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1987: 119 - 145.
7. “A Model for intelligent Computer Assisted Language Instruction”, Computers and the Humanities, Volume 23, No. 3, 1989:235 - 250.
8. With Larry Garrett, “On the Need for an Integrated Policy Infrastructure for the Delivery of Technical and Vocational Education in the Gulf Region”, Comparative Education, Volume 23, No. 3, 1987: 317 - 327.
IV – Chapters in Books
1. With Joseph Dichy, “Grammar-lexis relations in the computational morphology of Arabic”, in Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-based and Empirical Methods (Text, Speech and Language Technology), edited by Abdelhadi Soudi, Antal van den Bosch, and Günter Neumann, Springer, 2007.
2. A Case for an Inter Arabic Grammar, in Investigating Arabic, in Current Parameters in Analysis and Learning, ed. Alaa Elgibalie, Brill 2005:29 - 49.
3. Domain Analysis and Representation, with Bruce Hedin, in Handbook for Language Engineers, ed. Ali Farghaly, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA 2003:21 – 57.
4. Language Engineering and the Knowledge Economy, in Handbook for Language Engineers, ed. Ali Farghaly, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA 2003:419 – 432.
V - Books
1. Arabic translation of “Artificial Intelligence: Promise and Performance”, Alan Bonnet, published bu calam al Macrifa, Kuwait, 1993. 2. Arabic translation of “Classical Indian Drama”, published by Academy of Arts Press, Giza, Egypt, 1995.
3. Handbook for Language Engineers, Editor, CSLI publications, Stanford, CA, 2003.
4. Arabic Computational Linguistics, to appear in 2008, CSLI publications, Stanford, CA