Conference program
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
9:00 --: Meeting of the Deans
Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Colleges of Computing and
Information Society
15:00-19:00: Registration
20:30-22:30: Presentation of StoneSoft Products
08:00-09:00: Registration
09:00-09:30: Opening Session
09:30-11:00: Keynote Speaker
Dr Richard T.Watson (Department of MIS, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, Athens GA)
The Business of Open Source Software
11:00-11:30: Coffee Break
11:30-13:00: 4 Parallel Sessions
Room A | Session A-I: Information Security |
Secure and Efficient Group Key Agreement Using Dynamic Balanced Key Tree Management Arul Selvam Palani Samy, Anto S | |
Virtual Class Security Based on Elliptic Curve Approach Hamza A. Ali, Adnan H. M. Al-Helali, Ayman Al-Nsour | |
An Efficient Signature System using Optimized RSA Algorithm Rania El-Sayed, Mostafa Abdo Azeem, Mohammad Gomaa | |
A New Approach for Data Encryption Using Genetic Algorithms Abdelsalam Almarimi, Anil Kumar, Ibrahim Almerhag | |
Copyright Watermarking in MPEG 1 Files Ali Retha Hasoon | |
Room B | Session B-I: Image Processing |
New Image Processing toolbox Using MATLAB Codes Nassir H. Salman | |
Image Segmentation by Level Set Method and Image Scale Cooperative Analysis Mohamed Yaghmorasan Benzian, Nacera Benamrane | |
Multi-valued image enhancement using diffusion-shock filter coupling Salim Bettahar, Amine Boudghene Stambouli | |
Color Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform-Modified VQ Bushra Al-Abudi, Ali Hussain | |
Room C | Session C-I: Information System & Geographical Information System |
A new Approach for Developing Ontology from Generated Ruleset Haya El-Ghalayini, Faten Kharbat | |
Formalisation of Evolution Changes to Update Domain Ontologies Sassi Jaziri Najla, Jaziri Wassim, Gargouri Faiez | |
A Mapping Process for Application Ontologies Integration Razika Driouche, Zizette Boufaida | |
Contribution to the evaluation of a design UML: application to the sequence diagrams Wiem Khlif, Mohamed Tmar, Faiez Gargouri | |
Room D | Session D-I: Special Session: Arabic Language Processing |
Improving Q/S using Arabic Wordnet Lahsen Abouenour, Karim Bouzouba, Paolo Rosso | |
Anaphora in Arabic Language: developing a corpora annotating tool for anaphoric links Souha Mezghani, Lamia Belguith, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou | |
A Markovian Approach for Arabic Root Extraction A. Boudlal, R. Belahbib, A. Lakhouaja, A. Mazroui, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah | |
Alignement of Bilingual Named Entities in Parallel Corpora French-Arabic Authoul Abdulhay, Olivier Kraif |
13h00-14h30: Lunch
14h30-16h00: 4 Parallel Sessions
Room A | Session A-II: Computer Simulation |
Double Sided Hexagonal Bow – Tie Wired Antenna Darwish Abd El Aziz Mohamed | |
A Simulation Model of IEEE802.11b for Performance Analysis of Wireless LAN Protocols Isber Ibrahim, Abdulkader Alwer | |
Mohammed Hany, Moustafa Aly, Mohammed Nasr | |
Cursor Movement Control Development by Using ANFIS Algorithm Joseph Hodali, Maha Sleibi, Ilyaa’ Salsa’, Suhail Odeh | |
Room B | Session B-II: Image Processing |
Classification of Cerebrals Tumors by Separators Vast Margin Chahinez Bentaouza, Mohamed Benyettou | |
Hierarchical Segmentation of Digital Mammography by Agents Competition Ahlem Melouah, Hayet Farida Merouani, Yamina Bordjiba | |
A Robust Directional Filter Bank-Based Self Image Logo Watermarking Scheme Using Scalar Quantizer Samy Ayesh, Khaled Mahar | |
The Slantlet Transform for Multispectral Image Fusion Walid Mahmmoud, Adnan Al-Helali, Tariq Ismaeel, Ahmad Fadhel | |
Hierarchical Multilevel Block Truncation Coding of Color Images Bushra Al-Abudi, Loay George | |
Room C | Session C-II: Information System & Geographical Information System |
A Decision-Making Model for Territory Planning: Integration of GIS and Artificial Neural Networks Fatima Zohra Younsi, Djamila Hamdadou, Karim Bouamrane | |
Continuous Spatial Data Warehousing Taher Omran Ahmed | |
A Basic Platform of Collaborative Filtering Omar Nouali, Sabah Kirat, Hadjer Meziani | |
Spatial Ontologies Modelling and Approaches for The Prevention Systems Implementation of the Natural Risks “Landslides in Constantine Town” Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Chaker Mezioud | |
Room D | Session D-II: Arabic Language Processing |
Toward a Platform for Arabic Automatic Summarization Manel Ben Abdallah, Chafik Aloulou, Lamia Belguith | |
Arabic Named Entity Recognition : An SVM Based Approach Yassine Benajiba, Mona Diab, Paolo Rosso | |
Arabic Broken Plural Recognition using a Machine Translation Technique Abduelbaset Goweder, Ibrahim Almerhag, Anees Elnakoa | |
Toward a detection/correction system for the agreement errors in non-voweled Arabic texts |
16h00-16h30: Coffee Break
16h30-18h00: 4 Parallel Sessions
Room A | Session A-III: Internet & the Web |
Usability of the Academic Websites of Jordan's Universities: An Evaluation Study Suleiman Mustafa, Loai Al-Zoua'bi | |
Amir Hossein Jadidinejad, Fariborz Mahmoudi | |
An Anti-Spam System using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms Abduelbaset Goweder, Traek Rashed, Ali Elbekai, Hassein Alhami | |
Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) as a solution for search result clustering Hussam Dahwa Abdulla, Vaclav Snasel | |
A Semantic Annotation Method for Managing a Corporate Memory Sonia Gueraich, Zizette Boufaida | |
Room B | Session B-III: Image Processing |
Face identification Application for biometrics systems Sana Fakhfakh, Walid Mahdi | |
Converting Fingerprint Local Features to Public Key Using Fuzzy Extractor Mohammed Khalil, Dzulkifli Muhammad, Masroor Ahmed | |
Estimation of Anger, Sadness and Fear Expressions Intensity Based on the Belief Theory Ghanem Khadoudja, Caplier Alice | |
Dental Biometric: Teeth Structure in Forensic Human Identification Mohd Tarmizie Mohd Shahidan, Andrews Samraj, Nanna Suryana | |
Skin Texture Recognition using Neural Networks Nidhal Abass El Abbadi, Nizar Saadi Dahir, Zaid Y. AL-Y | |
Room C | Session C-III: Special Session Data mining and data warehouses |
A Framework for Active Data Warehouses Sonia Bouattour, Riadh Ben Messaoud, Omar Boussaid, Hanene Ben Abdallah, Jamel Feki | |
ASSISTADMIN: A Tool to Assist Data Warehouse Administrator in Physical Design | |
A Natural Language Approach for Data Mart Schema Design Fahmi Bargui, Jamel Feki, Hanene Ben-Abdallah | |
Prediction in OLAP data cubes Sabine Loudcher Rabaséda, Omar Boussaid, Anouck Bodin Niemczuk, Riadh Ben Messaoud | |
Room D | Session D-III: Digital Telecommunications |
Houria Triki, Thiab Taha | |
Ant Colony Optimization for Location Area Planning in Cellular Networks Ahmed Elwhishi, Issmail Ellabib, Idris El-Feghi | |
Numeric implementation of a watermarking system Wahid Barkouti, Adnen Cherif | |
Hedaya Alasooly |
20:30-22:30: Presentation of HR-access Products
08:00-09:00: Registration
09:00-10:30: Keynote Speaker
Dr Abdelwaheb BELAID (University of Nancy 2, France)
Arabic Natural Language Processing
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-13:00: ACIT Steering Committee meeting
11:00-13:00: 4 Parallel Sessions
13:00-14:30: Lunch
14:30 : Excursion to Tunis city & Sidi Boussaid, and dinner in Gammarth
08:00-09:00: Registration
09:00-10:30: Keynote Speaker
Ali FARGHALY (Senior Member of Technical Staff, Text Group, Oracle USA, Redwood Shores, CA)
Arabic NLP: Overview, State of the Art, Challenges and Opportunities
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-13:00: 4 Parallel Sessions
13:00-14:30: Lunch
14:30-16:00: 4 Parallel Sessions
Room A | Session A-VI: Software Engineering |
To Parallelize or Not To Parallelize Alaa Ismail El-Nashar | |
Software Components Assembly with an appreciation Margin of Quality Mebarka Yahlali, Abdellah Chouarfia | |
A new process model for embedded systems control in Automotive Industry Adnan Shaout, Tejas Chhaya | |
Room B | Session B-VI: Pattern Recognition |
Facial Feature Extraction Based on Frequency Transforms:Comparative Study Mohamed Bashir Hassan Ahmed, Izeldin Mohamed Osman, Moawia Elfacky Yahia | |
Local Linear Regression and Back Propagation Neural Network for Face Pose Normalization Mohamed Bashir Hassan Ahmed, Izeldin Mohamed Osman, Moawia Elfaky Yahia | |
Indexing by recognition approach for printed Arabic documents images Klaa Mohamed Amin, Touj Soufien, Essoukri Ben Amara Najoua | |
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using RBF-DDA Algorithm Ghania Khensous, Belhadri Messabih, Nacèra Benamrane | |
Room C | Session C-VI: Parallel & Distributed Systems |
Neighbour Replication on Grid Daemon Configuration Noraziah Ahmad, Mustafa Mat Deris, Roslina Mohd Sidek, Norhayati Rosli | |
Optimization Filtering Algorithm on a Cluster Yasmina Hernane, Mohamed Benyettou | |
Amel Meliouh, Elhillali Kerkouche, Allaoua Chaoui | |
Multiprocessor Scheduling Based on Genetic Algorithms Intisar Al-Said, Firas Attia, Nedhal Al-Said | |
Room D | Session D-VI: Special Session: e-learning and accessibility |
Student Modeling for E-learning Personalization Koutheair Kheribi, Henda Chorfi | |
Multimedia courses generator for hearing impaired Oussama Elghoul, Mohamed Jemni | |
Personalization of E-Learning Scenarios Fathi Essalmi, Leila Jemni Ben Ayed | |
Integration of accessibility requirements into the design of e-learning environments Mohsen Laabidi, Mohamed Jemni | |
Dynamic Mobile Knowledge Toolkit Nader Nada, Mohamed Kholief, Shehab Tawfik, Noha Metwally |
16:00-16:30: Coffee Break
16:30-18:00: 4 Parallel Sessions
Room A | Session A-VII: Software Engineering |
On Practicality of Using Integrated Semi-Formal Modeling Safaa Mohammed | |
Applications of Bioinformatics Databases to Predict the Secondary Structure using PYTHON Programming Arulmugilan Pandian | |
Code Mobility Overview: A Software Engineering View Laïd Kahloul, Allaoua Chaoui | |
Room B | Session B-VII: Computer Architecture |
Placement and Routing of a loo2 Safety Related Architecture on FPGA Josef Boercsoek, Ali Hayek, Bashier Machmur, Muhammad Umar | |
Murad Al-Absi | |
Run-Time Reconfigurable FFT Engine Ahmad Al-Allaf, Shefa Dawwd | |
Room C | Session D-VII: Parallel & Distributed Systems |
Using Maximality-based Labeled Transition System as a Model for Petri Nets Djamel Eddine Saïdouni, Nabil Belala, Messaouda Bouneb, Abdeldjalil Boudjadar, Boulares Ouchenne | |
A Modeling Approach of Mobile Agent-Based Systems Using UML 2.0 Diagrams Mohamed Redha Bahri, Rabah Mokhtari, Allaoua Chaoui | |
OTIS-Arrangement a New Proposed Efficient Network Jehad Al-Sadi, Ahmed Awwad | |
Generalized Parallel Algorithms for BVPs in ODEs Bashir M. Khalaf, Mohammed Wajid Al-Nema | |
Room D | Session D-VII: Algorithms & Applications |
Inverse Kinematic using Artificial Immune System Serrat Amel, Benyettou Mohamed, Benchennane Ibtissam | |
FPGA Implementation and performance analysis of RC4A Stream Cipher Abdullah Noman, Roslina B. Mohd. Sidek, Abdul Rahman B. Ramli, Liakot Ali | |
A Software Agent for the Automatic Creation of a PLC Program Walid Aly | |
Reconfigurable Implementation of Karatsuba Multiplier for Galois Field in Elliptic Curves Sameh Shohdy, Ashraf El-Sisi, Nabil Ismail |
18:00-18:30: Best papers announcement & Closing session