Accepted Papers
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
Paper ID | Title | Author(s) Name |
1 | Agreement and Word-Ordering with Arabic Machine Translation | Mohammed Abu Shugier and Tengku Mohammed |
3 | Development of a New Hash Searching Technique | Eyas El-Qawasmeh, Talal Kanan, and Husam Kanan |
5 | Building Reliable Network with Efficient WIMAX Technology | Ahmed Mateen |
7 | Double Sided Hexagonal Bow – Tie Wired antenna | Darwish Abd El Aziz Mohamed |
9 | Agreement and Word-Ordering with Arabic Machine Translation: A Rule-Based Approach | Mohammed Abu Shugier |
11 | Experimental Analysis of Network Performance Regarding Security Protocols | Ahmed Mateen, Ahsan Raza, Tasleem Mustafa, and Faiza Khalid |
12 | A Simulation Model of IEEE802.11B for Performance analysis of Wireless LAN Protocols | Isber Ibrahim and Abdulkader Alwer |
15 | Secure and Efficient Group Key Agreement Using Dynamic Balanced Key Tree Management | Arul Selvam Palani Samy and Anto S |
16 | New Image Processing Toolbox Using MATLAB Codes | Nassir H. Salman |
20 | Optimizing the Average Network Throughput with Evolutionary Algorithms | Ahmed Younes and Moatamad Hassan |
23 | Voice Over IP Calls | Hedaya Alasooly |
30 | Virtual Class Security Based on Elliptic Curve Approach | Hamza A. Ali, Adnan H. M. Al-Helali, and Ayman Al-Nsour |
31 | Evaluation of Some Distributed Database Characteristics Using ORACLE | Esam Mohammed and Alla Saaed |
33 | Intelligent Agent for Health Care | Safaa Omran, Raaed Hassan, and Siraj Mahdi |
34 | Distributed Parallelization of Ant Colony Optimization on a Cluster Computing | Soumeya Hernane, Khaled Belkadi, and Mohamed Benyettou |
37 | Usability of the Academic Websites of Jordan's Universities: An Evaluation Study | Suleiman Mustafa and Loai Al-Zoua'bi |
38 | Copyright Watermarking in MPEG 1 Files | Ali Retha Hasoon |
39 | Skin Texture Recognition Using Neural Networks | Nidhal Abass El Abbadi, Nizar Saadi Dahir, and Zaid Y. AL-Y. |
45 | The Slantlet Transform for Multispectral Image Fusion | Walid Mahmmoud, Adnan Al-Helali, Tariq Ismaeel, and Ahmad Fadhel |
46 | Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Signals Using Hilbert-Huang Transform | Marwa Obayya and Fatma El-Zahraa Abou-Chadi |
47 | A Combination Approach of GMMS and SVMS for Speaker Identification | Rafik Djemili, Hocine Bourouba, and Cherif Amara Korba |
48 | Developing Role-Based Access Control for Database Systems | Salah A. Albermany, and Hamza A. Ali |
52 | Fusion Face and Palmprint for Human Recognition Via Spectral Eigenvector | Hana'a M. Salman |
54 | Design interfacing Circuit to PC Via PC Ports for Monitoring, Controlling, Accounting, and Measurements | Murad Al-Absi |
55 | Cluster Based Geo-Routing Protocol | Hatem Hamad, Abdessalam Elhabbash, Yousif Mansour, and Fuad Abuowaimer |
56 | Solitary Wave Solutions for the Higher Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Higher Order Dispersion and Cubic-Quintic Nonlinearities | Houria Triki and Thiab Taha |
57 | Neighbour Replication on Grid Daemon Configuration | Noraziah Ahmad, Mustafa Mat Deris, Roslina Mohd Sidek, and Norhayati Rosli |
58 | Run-Time Reconfigurable FFT Engine | Ahmad Al-Allaf, and Shefa Dawwd |
59 | Local Cluster Analysis: A New Approach for Evaluating Different Document Clustering Algorithms by Huge Corpora | Amir Hossein Jadidinejad and Fariborz Mahmoudi |
62 | Performance Optimization in Structured Wireless Sensor Networks | Amine Moussa and Hoda Maalouf |
64 | Arabic Broken Plural Recognition Using a Machine Translation Technique | Abduelbaset Goweder, Ibrahim Almerhag, and Anees Elnakoa |
66 | E-Learning and Delivery Methods | Mudawi El-Musharaf, and Sattar Aboud |
67 | Hierarchical Multilevel Block Truncation Coding of Color Images | Bushra Al-Abudi, and Loay George |
68 | Color Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform-Modified VQ | Bushra Al-Abudi, and Ali Hussain |
69 | An Efficient Signature System Using Optimized RSA Algorithm | Rania El-Sayed, Mostafa Abdo Azeem, and Mohammad Gomaa |
70 | Optimization Filtering Algorithm on a Cluster | Yasmina Hernane and Mohamed Benyettou |
73 | Converting Fingerprint Local Features to Public Key Using Fuzzy Extractor | Mohammed Khalil, Dzulkifli Muhammad, and Masroor Ahmed |
75 | Automatic Recognition of Arabic Words by Genetic Algorithms and MFCC Modeling | Fadila Maouche |
78 | Fuzzy Art Network for Arabic Handwritten Recognition System | Leila Chergui and Mohammed Benmohammed |
79 | Auto-Organization and Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Maâmar KEF and Mohammed Benmohammed |
80 | Estimation of Anger, Sadness and Fear Expressions Intensity Based on the Belief Theory | Ghanem Khadoudja and Caplier Alice |
82 | Factor Influencing Adoption of E-Learning at University of Bahrain | Jaflah Alammary and Sharifa Hamad |
83 | Robot Localization | Amel Serrat and Mohamed Benyettou |
84 | Artificial Immune System to Estimate Joint Angles | Amel Serrat and Mohamed Benyettou |
85 | ARABTAG: A Tree Adjoining Grammar to Present Arabic Syntactic Structures | Fériel Ben Fraj, Chiraz Zribi, and Mohamed Ben Ahmed |
87 | An Evolutionary Algorithm for Sensor Optimal Placement in Automated Production System | Abou El Hassan Benyamina and Hafsa Benhamouda |
88 | Personal Palmprints Based-Identification Using Liquid State Machine | Wassila Boukhari and Mohamed Benyettou |
89 | A Framework for Identifying the Critical Factors Affecting the Decision to Adopt and Use inter-Organizational Information | Khoutir Bouchbout and Zaia Alimazighi |
90 | Classification of Cerebrals Tumors by Separators Vast Margin | Chahinez Bentaouza and Mohamed Benyettou |
91 | Hierarchical Segmentation of Digital Mammography by Agents Competition | Ahlem Melouah, Hayet Farida Merouani, and Yamina Bordjiba |
92 | Facial Expression Identification and Verification of People Using Muscle Movement Classification Using Multiple Emotions. | Afizan Azman |
93 | Comparison of Two Handwritten Arabic Zones Extraction Methods of Complex Documents | Fadoua Samoud, Samia Maddouri, Haikal El Abed, and Noureddine Ellouze |
94 | VSMS with K-Nearest Neighbour to Categorise Arabic Text Data | Fadi Thabtah, Wael Hadi, and Mohammed Mahafzah |
95 | Multiprocessor Scheduling Based on Genetic Algorithms | Intisar Al-Said, Firas Attia, and Nedhal Al-Said |
97 | A Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems: Using Genetic Algorithm with Classifier of the K-Nearest Neighbors | Suhail Odeh, Eduardo Ros, and Ignacio Rojas |
98 | Towards Developing A Robust Large-Scale Parser for Arabic Sentences | Riadh Ouersighni |
103 | Design of Multi Wavelet Network Identifier for Multi input Multi Output Nonlinear Functions | Yhya Kuraz |
105 | Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using RBF-DDA Algorithm | Ghania Khensous, Belhadri Messabih, Nacèra Benamrane |
107 | Importance of Information and Communication Technology in the Promotion of Pakistan Economy | Nasir Gul and Imran Younis |
108 | Fuzzy Artmap Classification of Biosignals for Motor Imaginary Brain Computer Interface | Vickneswaran Jeyabalan, andrews Samraj, and Chu Kiong Loo |
109 | Applying Attribute Level Locking to Decrease the Deadlock on Distributed Database | Alaa Hussein AL-Hamami and Khaled Salah Maabreh |
111 | Spatial Ontologies Modelling and Approaches for The Prevention Systems Implementation of the Natural Risks “Landslides in Constantine Town” | Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi and Chaker Mezioud |
112 | Dispersion Compensation Using Tunable Chirped Apodized Far off Resonance Fiber Bragg Gratings in Transmission | Mohammed Hany, Moustafa Aly, and Mohammed Nasr |
114 | FPGA Implementation and Performance Analysis of RC4A Stream Cipher | Abdullah Noman, Dr. Roslina B. Mohd. Sidek, Dr. Abdul Rahman B. Ramli, and Dr. Liakot Ali |
116 | Dental Biometric: Teeth Structure in Forensic Human Identification | Mohd Tarmizie Mohd Shahidan, Andrews Samraj, and Nanna Suryana |
119 | Fuzzy Artmap Based Feature Classification for Single Trial Brain-Computer Interface Design | Andrews Samraj, Chu Kiong Loo, and Kannan Ramakrishnan |
120 | Proper Noun Extracting Algorithm for Arabic Language | Riyad Al-Shalabi, Ghassan Kanaan, Bashar Al-Sarayreh, Ali Al-Ghonmein Ali Al-Ghonmein, and Hamed Talhouni, |
125 | Integral Implementation for Protecting Copyright in E-Education Systems | Khader Titi |
130 | An Aspect-Oriented Process for Reverse Engineering of Design Patterns | Berkane Mohamed Lamine and Boufaida Mahmoud |
131 | Arabic Named Entity Recognition: An SVM Based Approach | Yassine Benajiba, Mona Diab, Paolo Rosso, |
133 | An Automated Modelling and Verification of Distributed Manufacturing Process Based on Graph Transformation: Application to a Production Line | Amel Meliouh, Elhillali Kerkouche, and Allaoua Chaoui |
134 | Enhanced Approach For Improving The Performance Of Mobile Ad Hoc Network | Khalil Al-Shqeerat |
138 | Application of Artificial Neural Network in Cathodic Protection of Carbon Steel | Ghalib A. Ali and Nizar Saadi Dahir |
139 | Generalized Parallel Algorithms for BVPS in Odes | Bashir M. Khalaf and Mohammed Wajid Al-Nema |
140 | A Software Agent for the Automatic Creation of a PLC Program | Walid Aly |
143 | A Modelling Apprach of Mobile Agent-Based Systems Using UML 2.0 Diagrams | Mohamed Redha Bahri, Rabah Mokhtari, and Allaoua Chaoui |
144 | The Design of a Complex Software System Using the IASA Software Architecture Approach | Djamal Bennouar, Abderrezak Henni, and Abdelfettah Saadi, |
145 | Facial Feature Extraction Based on Frequency Transforms: Comparative Study | Mohamed Bashir Hassan Ahmed, Izeldin Mohamed Osman, and Moawia Elfacky Yahia |
146 | A Framework Based MDA for Designing Advanced and Distributed Applications | Boudouda Souheila and Boufaida Mahmoud |
147 | Applications of Bioinformatics Databases to Predict the Secondary Structure Using PYTHON Programming | Arulmugilan Pandian |
150 | Improving Q/A Using Arabic Wordnet | Lahsen Abouenour, Karim Bouzoubaa, and Paolo Rosso |
151 | To Parallelize or not to Parallelize | Alaa Ismail El-Nashar |
153 | A Robust Directional Filter Bank-Based Self Image Logo Watermarking Scheme Using Scalar Quantizer | Samy Ayesh and Khaled Mahar |
156 | Quantitative Association Rule Mining Using a Hybrid PSO/ACO Algorithm (PSO/ACO-AR) | Mohamed Habib, Abd El-Hay Sallam, and Osama Badawy |
158 | Mining Students Data to Analyze Learning Behavior: A Case Study | Alaa El-Halees |
159 | A New Approach for Developing Ontology From Generated Ruleset | Haya El-Ghalayini, and Faten Kharbat |
160 | Ant Colony Optimization for Location Area Planning in Cellular Networks | Ahmed Elwhishi, Issmail Ellabib, and Idris El-Feghi |
161 | OTIS-Arrangement a New Proposed Efficient Network | Jehad Al-Sadi and Ahmed Awwad |
162 | A New Approach for Data Encryption Using Genetic Algorithms | Abdelsalam Almarimi, Anil Kumar, and Ibrahim Almerhag |
163 | A Multi-Agent intelligent Decision Support System for an Adaptive Interface: Application to a Manufacturing System | Noria Taghezout, Wahhiba Seddikioui, Abdelkader Adla, and Karim Bouamrane |
166 | A Basic Platform of Collaborative Filtering. | Omar Nouali, Sabah Kirat, and Hadjer Meziani |
167 | Voice Disorders Identification Using Multilayer Neural Network | Lotfi Salhi, Mourad Talbi, Saber Abid, and Adnen Cherif |
169 | Reconfigurable Implementation of Karatsuba Multiplier for Galois Field in Elliptic Curves | Sameh Shohdy, Ashraf El-Sisi, and Nabil Ismail |
171 | Software Components Assembly with an Appreciation Margin of Quality | Mebarka Yahlali and Abdellah Chouarfia |
173 | Mining Association Rules on Mixed Database with Privacy Preserving | Mahmoud Hussein, Ashraf El-Sisi, and Nabil Ismail |
175 | Enhancement of Keywords Extraction from Relational Databases | Ossama Abu-Eid, Eyas El-Qawasmeh, and Abdallah Al-Ashqur |
176 | The Impact of Classification Evaluation Methods on Rough Sets Based Classifiers | Qasem Al-Radaideh |
177 | An Anti-Spam System Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms | Abduelbaset Goweder, Traek Rashed, Ali Elbekai, and Hassein Alhami |
178 | Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) as a Solution for Search Result Clustering | Hussam Dahwa Abdulla and Vaclav Snasel |
180 | Continuous Spatial Data Warehousing | Taher Omran Ahmed |
181 | A Hybrid Method for Stemming Arabic Text | Abduelbaset Goweder, Hassein Alhami, Traek Rashed, and Abdusslam Al-Musrati |
183 | Spatial On-Line analytical Processing (SOLAP): Overview and Current Trends | Taher Omran Ahmed |
184 | Trust Metrics Identification for Mobile Agents Protection | Meriem Zaïter, Salima Hacini, and Zizette Boufaïda |
187 | Coordinatation-Based Decentralized Learning Approach Applied to Dynamic Packet Scheduling in Routers | Malika Bourenane and Djilali Benhamamouch |
189 | E-Learning Timetable Generator | Ahmed Abu Absa and Sana'a Al-Sayegh |
190 | Local Linear Regression and Back Propagation Neural Network for Face Pose Normalization | Mohamed Bashir Hassan Ahmed, Izeldin Mohamed Osman, and Moawia Elfaky Yahia |
191 | Placement and Routing of a 1OO2 Safety Related Architeture on FPGA | Josef Boercsoek, Ali Hayek, Bashier Machmur, and Muhammad Umar |
193 | Design and Implementation of an Embedded System on A FPGA Using UCLINUX | Josef Boercsoek, Ali Hayek, Bashier Machmur, Muhammad Umar |
195 | Indexing by Recognition Approach for Printed Arabic Documents Images | Klaa Mohamed Amin, Touj Soufien, and Essoukri Ben Amara Najoua |
196 | A Mapping Process for Application Ontologies Integration | Razika Driouche and Zizette Boufaida |
197 | Application of Genetic Algorithm in Automatic Query Expansion | Ahmed Al-Sha’or, Ismail Hmeidi, and Hassan Najadat |
199 | User Constraints in Discovering Association Rules Mining | Hassan Najadat and Mohammad Kharabsheh |
200 | A Semantic Annotation Method for Managing a Corporate Memory | Sonia Gueraich and Zizette Boufaida |
201 | Face Identification Application for Biometrics Systems | Sana Fakhfakh and Walid Mahdi |
202 | A New Scheme of Signature Extraction for Iris Authentification | Belhassen Akrout and Chokri Benamar |
204 | Numeric Implementation of a Watermarking System | Wahid Barkouti, Adnen Cherif |
205 | A Decision-Making Model for Territory Planning: Integration of GIS and Artificial Neural Networks | Fatima Zohra Younsi, Djamila Hamdadou, and Karim Bouamrane |
206 | A Natural Language Approach for Data Mart Schema Design | Fahmi Bargui, Jamel Feki, and Hanene Ben-Abdallah |
207 | Optimization of a Tree Automata Model for the Classification | Souad Taleb Zouggar and Baghdad Atmani |
209 | Formalisation of Evolution Changes to Update Domain Ontologies | Sassi Jaziri Najla, Jaziri Wassim, and Gargouri Faiez, |
210 | Using Maximality-Based Labeled Transition System as a Model for Petri Nets | Djamel Eddine Saïdouni, Nabil Belala, Messaouda Bouneb, Abdeldjalil Boudjadar, and Boulares Ouchenne |
212 | An ADL Based on Π-Calcul for the Analysis of the Dynamic and Mobile Software Architectures | Chaker Mezioud and Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
214 | An HPSG Analysis of Arabic Verb | Md. Shariful Islam Bhuyan |
215 | Image Segmentation by Level Set Method and Image Scale Cooperative Analysis | Mohamed Yaghmorasan Benzian and Nacera Benamrane |
216 | Multi-Valued Image Enhancement Using Diffusion-Shock Filter Coupling | Salim Bettahar and Amine Boudghene Stambouli |
219 | A New Process Model for Embedded Systems Control in Automotive Industry | Adnan Shaout and Tejas Chhaya |
220 | Enhancing 802.11 Mac in High Load Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks | Nabil Ouazene and Azeddine Bilami |
221 | Cursor Movement Control Development by Using ANFIS Algorithm | Joseph Hodali, Maha Sleibi, Ilyaa’ Salsa’, and Suhail Odeh |
222 | Mac Layer and Energy Consumption | Mohamed Guerroumi, Samira Moussaoui, and Nadjib Badache |
223 | Contribution to the Evaluation of a Design UML: Application to the Sequence Diagrams | Wiem Khlif, Mohamed Tmar, and Faiez Gargouri |
224 | Towards an Adaptation System for Wireless Telephone Networks | Derdour Makhlouf, Ghoualmi Nacira, and Roose Philippe |
225 | Code Mobility Overview: A Software Engineering View | Laïd Kahloul and Allaoua Chaoui |
229 | On Practicality of Using Integrated Semi-Formal Modeling | Safaa Mohammed |
Vertical Spearation, Investment Incentive and Collusion in Network Industries | Rafika Khabbouchi |