Prof. Kamal Bechkoum
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
Professor Kamal Bechkoum
Dean, Professor of Computing
University of Northampton
(Educational Institution; Education Management industry)
January 2009 — Present (10 months)
Dean of School of Applied Sciences and Professor of Computing.
Professor, Head of School of Computing
University of Derby
(Educational Institution; Higher Education industry)
April 2007 — December 2008 (1 year 9 months)
Associate Dean of School of Computing and IT
University of Wolverhampton
(Educational Institution; Higher Education industry)
September 2002 — March 2007 (4 years 7 months)
Head of Department of Computer & Information Sciences
De Montfort University
(Educational Institution; Higher Education industry)
November 1994 — August 2002 (7 years 10 months)
Senior Research Officer
Cranfield University
(Educational Institution; Higher Education industry)
June 1990 — October 1994 (4 years 5 months)
Held positions at the School of Mechanical Engineering then at the College of Aeronautics (Applied AI Unit).
I would like to highlight some key directions in the area of technology-enhanced learning and how can the Arab nations prepare to benefit from future technologies. I will be giving examples of pedagogically-rich immersive environments that are effectively used to support learning and teaching, research and continuous professional development. I will be raising awareness about the need for integrating som e of the current artificial intelligence techniques used in machine translation and intelligent tutoring systems (some of which have already been applied to the Arabic language) to make such intelligent environments available to Arabic-based audiences. I will be arguing that a step by step change may be a positive move forward but a leap change is what is required to enable such Arabic-based environments to be at the forefront of the technology.