Call for Paper 2009
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
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The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2009) is a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of information technology. ACIT’2009 will include presentations to contributed papers and state-of-the-art lectures by invited keynote speakers. Tutorials on current issues and panel sessions on new trends related to information technology and software industry could be organized. This conference is considered the official scientific conference for the Colleges of Computing and Information Society, stemming from the Association of Arab Universities. The permanent General Secretariat of ACIT is hosted by Zarqa Private University, Jordan.
ACIT'2009 will be organized mainly by Computer Science and Information Technology Department in collaboration with Electronic Engineering at Faculty of Science and Engineering and Information System Department at Faculty of Business Sciences, all at University of Science and Technology, Sana'a, Yemen. ACIT'2009 will be held at Sana'a, the capital of Yemen. Old City of Sana'a is situated in a mountain valley at an altitude of 2200 m; Sana’a has been inhabited for more than 2500 years. In the 7th and 8th centuries, the city became a major centre for the propagation of Islam. This religious and political heritage can be seen in the 103 mosques, 14 hammams, and over 6,000 houses; all built before the 11th century. The tower-houses of Sana'a built of rammed earth add to the beauty of the site.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
AI & Expert Systems
Algorithms & Applications
Arabic Language Processing
Computer Architecture
Computer Ethics
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Computer Simulation
Database Systems
Decision Support Systems
Digital Telecommunications
Geographic Information Systems
Human Computer Interaction
Information Security
Information Systems
IT & Society
Machine Learning
Multimedia & Image Processing
Neural Networks
Parallel & Distributed Systems
Pattern Recognition
Pervasive & Adaptative Systems
Reliability & Fault-Tolerance
Remote Sensing
Software Engineering
Virtual Reality Systems
Web semantics
Researchers should submit a full paper describing their work, maximum of 8 single-spaced double column pages that also include illustrations. Papers are to be numbered starting from page one. The first page should include the paper title, a brief abstract, a set of keywords, and text. Be sure not to include the authors' names in your paper. The abstract should be concise and not longer than 250 words. Immediately following the abstract, no more than six keywords are to be supplied for subject indexing. Keywords should not simply be taken from the title of the paper, but should be representative of the content of the whole paper and characteristic of the terminology used within the particular field of study. The introduction of the paper must be clearly written and should explain the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose and the contribution of the paper. The introduction is assigned number “1”, and following sections are assigned numbers as needed. A conclusion section must be included and should indicate clearly the advantages, limitations, possible applications, and future work. The references section is not assigned a number. References should be numbered in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. Citations in the text should be by number and enclosed in square brackets, e.g. [1]. Electronic submission of papers as Microsoft’s Word document or PDF via ACIT OpenConf is a must. ACIT OpenConf is a conference management system that automates the paper submission and the whole reviewing process. It can be accessed via ACIT web site at Any question regarding submission or the reviewing process should be directed to A final preparation format is available in the conference web site. Before final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered and the paper must be formatted according to ACIT camera-ready instructions that are provided in the conference web site. Accepted papers for authors who complete registration will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for publication in special issues in the International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) and the International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT).
The evaluation of submitted papers is based on the importance and usefulness of the research topic. Technical merits, novelty of the approach, soundness of results, and clarity of presentation are also considered as factors of the evaluation process. Each article will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees.
Submission of papers: July 15, 2009 August 15, 2009
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2009 September 30, 2009
Camera-ready submission & registration: Oct. 15, 2009
Conference period: December 15-17, 2009
Submission of proposals: May 1, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2009
Direct all correspondence to:
Ammar Zahary, Head of Computer Science and IT Department, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
University of Science and Technology
Postal address: P. O. Box 13064,
Sana'a, Yemen
Telephone (Mob): (+967) 711159311
Fax: (+9671) 384734
Visit ACIT official website at
or contact ACIT'2009 Secretariat:
Abdussalam Al-Hazmi,
Computer Science and IT Department,
Faculty of Science and Engineering,
University of Science and Technology
Postal address: P. O. Box 13064,
Sana'a, Yemen
Telephone (Mob): (+967) 712641344
Fax: (+9671) 384734