Prof. Said Ghoul
ACIT'2025 will be held in Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, December 16-18, 2025 - Alexandria, Egypt
Prof. Said Ghoul is Professor of
Computer Science at Philadelphia University, Jordan, since 1997, where he
created and Chair the Bio-inspired Systems Modeling Research Laboratory.
He received his Engineer degree in Software Engineering from the University of Constantine, Algeria, 1n 1980. Then he received his MSc and PhD, in Software Engineering, from the Polytechnic National Institute of Grenoble, France, in 1981 and 1984 respectively. He obtained the Doctorate Es Science (Doctor of Science), in Software Processes, from Annaba University, Algeria, in 1995.
Prof. Said Ghoul research interest relates generally to Bio-inspired Software Engineering, and particularly to Bio-inspired Software Systems Modeling. Through his 25 years of research experience in this domain (since 1990), he has directed more than 10 research projects in different universities and research laboratories, produced more than 65 specialized publications, and supervised more than 25 postgraduate thesis (PhD and MS).
Keynote Speech Title: Software Engineering Perspective: Bio-inspired approach
The idea of applying the biological principle of natural evolution to artificial systems, introduced more than three decades ago, has seen impressive growth in the past years. Usually these artificial systems group bio-inspired systems, evolutionary computation, artificial life, etc. This convinced all that nature has much we might be inspired by when designing our systems and the natural genetics is a promising inspiration. Extensive methodologies and systems, mapping it, were developed. But the mapping of the natural genetics to the artificial one has been however limited. The reasons for this are many, but one of the main problems has always been the lack of a universal platform, and of a proper methodology for such mapping supporting the software engineering.
In order to give a convincing answer to the big question: Is really bio-inspired approach a perspective target to which will converge actual and future Software Engineering technologies? This talk summarizes our conclusion about 25 years of research experience in Bio-inspired Software Engineering, dealing with this problem through different universities, research laboratories, research projects, PhD and MSc thesis, and international publications. This research covers bio-inspired software design and modeling, implementation, evolution, reverse engineering, and reengineering.