Final Recommendations 2010
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
Note: You can Download Arabic version of final recommendations.
Convened at the technical information college Qar Younes university/bingazi-lybia
14-16 December 2010,The opening session for the conference was inaugurated at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday 14 December 2010 by prof. Mohammad al –jajuzairi, who was delegated by prof. Abdul-Kabeer El-Fakhiri, , the secretary of the popular committee of education and scientific research ( the minister of higher Education).The attendance included prof. Mohammad sharaf ed-deen El-Faitouri ( the president of the university); mDr. Mohammad El-Ammari, the secretary of the popular committee of the technical information factuality( the factuality dean); Dr Hamed al Fawareh, the secretary of the association of the colleges of computers and IT, Prof. Ali Hood Ba-Abbad, the secretary general assistant for the association of Arab universities. The attendance also included the secretaries of popular committees in Libyan universities, the secretary of colleges, popular committees, and the heads of departments at Qar Yunis University, and a large number of guests, specialist's researchers and participants.
The opening ceremony started with recitation of the holy Quran and the national anthem followed by the following speeches.
- Prof. Mohammad El-Ammari, delivered the opening speech in which he welcomed the guests, participating delegates, the members of the steering committee and researchers in the conference he highlighted the importance of this conference where Arab and international scientific ideas are incorporated, and the latest improvements in the IT area are introduced , he also stressed the importance of the conference in the establishment of IT culture to develop industry and academic environments, and interaction to develop scientific relation with various experts. He also referred to the number of papers submitted and accepted by the conference, and thanked the steering committee members for their Distinguished efforts.
- Prof. Mohammad Sharaf El-deen El-Faituri gave a speech in which he pointed at the importance of technology in developing societies and using technological styles rather than traditional ones. He also stressed the Libyan government support for scientific research.
- Another speech was made by Prof. Mohammad El-Jaziri, in which he thanked the organizers for their great efforts and stressed the importance of holding the conference in lybia and the necessity of continuing such conferences in the country. He concluded his speech by thanking Qar Yunis University for hosting the conference and appreciating the great efforts made by technical information colleges.
- Prof. Hamed Fawareh talked about the idea and history of the conference and its ten previous sessions. He pointed out that the conference has stemmed from the association of the colleges of computers and IT in Arab universities. This in turn stems from the association of Arab universities. He stated in his talk that the conference has a steering committee representing a wide sector of Arab and foreign universities. It also has general secretariat hosted by Zarqa University in Jordan (ZU), which includes referring committee comprising 250 scholar and specialists from different parts of the world. He Concluded his speech thanking the members of the general secretariat of the conference, the members of the steering committee the heads of the committee organizing the Conference, all the members of the other committee at Qar Yunis University as a will as all researchers and referees.
- Prof. Ali Hood also delivered speech in which he highlighted the role of the association of Arab universities in supporting the scientific society of the colleges of computers and IT. He also talked about the importance of this technological gathering that contributes to the creation of a developed scientific society. He also referred to the collaboration of research, technical and scientific efforts that aim at coping with age of science, knowledge and IT , in order to achieve the requirements of development as well as the technical and scientific progress required.
Following the opening ceremony, asset of armours we Distributed and exchanged as awards. The national committee of universities was awarded one by Qar Yunis University it was offered to Prof. Juzairi by Prof. Faituri. Another armour was awarded by the university to the association of colleges of computers and IT represented by Prof. Faituri. An armour was also offered to the association of Arab Universities, represented by Prof. Ali Hood Ba—Abbad. The association of Arab universities, represented by Prof. Ba-Abbad offered armour to Qar Yunis University, represented by Prof. Faituri. The association of the colleges of computers and IT offered an armour to Qar Yunis University and another one to the college of the information technology represented by Prof.Al-Ammari.
In addition, the institutions supporting the Conference were honored by Qar Yunis University. Following this, the first IT exhibition was opened.
The conference activities were distributed over three days as follows:
The first day : Tuesday 14/12/2010
· 9:00 -10:00 : Registration.
· 10:00 -11:00 : the opening ceremony.
· 11:00 - 11:30 : opening the first IT exhibition.
· 11:30 -13:30 : Richard Stallman's lecture.
· 13:30 -15:30 : lunch break.
· 15:30 -17:30 : the first eavening session.
This was divided into four parallel sessions.
1. First session Information.
2. Second session: Al & Expert System I.
3. Third session: information systems.
4. Fourth session: algorithms & applications.
18:00-19:00 the second evening session.
This was divided into three parallel sessions.
1. first session: image processing I
2. second session : Software engineering I
3. third session: Computer Networks I
The second Day: Wednesday 15/12/2010
· 9:30-11:00 : A lecture by Badar El-Deen Khan.
· 11:30-13:00 : the first morning session.
This was divided into four parallel sessions.
· First session: E-learning.
· Second session: image processing II
· Third session: Arabic Language Processing.
· Fourth session: Digital Telecommunications.
-steering committee session
15:30-17:30 the evening session.
This was divided into three parallel sessions.
· First session: software engineering II
· Second session: AI and Expert system.
· Third session: E-Commerce, IT & Society.
The third day: Thursday 16/12/2010
· 10:30-13:30: the morning session.
This was divided into four parallel sessions.
· First session: Computer simulations multimedia.
· Second session: computer network II
· Third session: machine learning.
· Fourth session: database system.
11:00-11:30 : break.
11:30-12: 30 : Four parallel sessions
· First session: neural networks & HCI.
· Second session: AI. Applications.
· Third session ; software engineering III
· Fourth session: image processing IT.
13:00-14:00 : Final session.
Convened meeting on Wednesday 15/12/2010 at 10:00 p.m. in typisty hotel in Benghazi.
Institution supporting the conference
Some institutions participating in the conference introduced their products offering their financial support in return. These include the implementation and administration staff at the great artificial river project, the Arab gulf company for oil. Microsoft, CISCO The UNESCO organization, river deep international company, the national commercial bank, Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed company for technology, Al-Wihda bank, the Adaa' Intelligent company for info structure, HUAWEI Company, GEOTECH company, BSISP company, INFOSYS, XEROX Company Trade & Development Bank, Al-Ibel House for Publication & distribution, Information Public Committee, the Lybian Company for iron and steel, Al- Naseem Company for Dairy products, DESIGN MATE Company, and multimedia city center.
Meeting During the Conference
a. The association of the colleges of computers and IT held a plenary session attended by 44 faculty deans in which the financial and administrative report was discussed, the association five- years plan (2009-2013) introduced , and the previous future activities stated
b. The ACIT steering committee held its annual meeting chaired by the secretary general of the conference Dr. Hamed Al-Fwareh on Wednesday 15/12/2010 at 11:00 a.m. the main recommendations of the meeting were as follows.
1. Granting acceptance to Belmond University in Lebanon to host ACIT 2012. ACIT 2011 will be held at nayef Arab university for security science in Sudia Arabia.
2. the final recommendation committee Forming for the ACIT 2010 from Prof. Osama Bedawi/ the Arab academy for science and technology in Egypt, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Tawil/ Qar Yunis University in Lybia, and Dr. Ammar Al-Zahrawy / the university of science and technology in Yemen.
3. The executive committee of the associate of the colleges of computer and IT in Arab Universities
Participating Countries
There were 120 participants chosen from 274 total numbers of papers from 23 Arab and foreign countries, namely:
· Submitted papers :274
· Accepted papers: 150.
· Published papers: 120.
Libya, Iraq, Algeria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, palistain, sudia Arabia, Yemen, Morocco, Sudan, U.A.E, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Germany, Britain, France, Australia, Malaysia.
The acceptance rate was 43% for accepted and published papers.
Conclusion Recommendations
1. The increase in the number of Arab universities willing to host the conference and the large amount of the scientific research submitted to the conference is regarded as appositive indicator of its success in the Arab world.
2. The wide participation of computer and technical information companies in the first IT Exhibition of the conference.
3. The great number of visitor attendance the Exhibition during the conference.
4. The great participation of Lybian citizens through representation of universities and researchers from lybia.
5. The participation industrial and commercial sectors in private scientific sessions lecture delivering and applied studies in their work area.
6. Holding two scientific sessions specialized in Arabic language processing and data repositories.
7. Workshop specialist in the area organizing & E-Learning quality assurance, open-source software.
8. Urging Arab organization and institutions to establish database that concerns with scientific material written in Arabic.
9. Urging the general secretariat to index the conference research work in the international Database to enable people to access the scientific contribution of the researchers participating in the conference.
10. Establishing standards for the assessment of the quality of the Arab website and improving the content quality of the Arab on line information.
The participant extended their thanks to Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al-Featory, Secretary of Qar Yunis University Popular committee;
Dr. Mohammad Al –Ammari, secretary of IT popular committee and the chairman of the conference. Scientific committee members, Dr. Twafiq Al-Taweel; Dr. Tariq Shuhaiba, Prof. Nasser Imeitiq and to the members of the following committees:
The preparatory committee, secretariat committee, reception and hosting committee. Thanks also go to Prof. Khalid Selhub and to all the unknown soldiers who contribute to the success of this unique conference. At the end of the conference, cables of thanks and appreciations were submitted to the revolution leader Mummer El-qaddafi. Cables of thanks also submitted to Prof. Abdul-Kabeer Al-Fakhiri, the secretary of the public popular committee for education and scientific research; Prof. Mohammad Al-Feitouri, the secretary of Qar Yunis popular committee.
ACIT 2010 Final statement was prepared by:
· Prof. Osama Mohammad Al-Badawi.
· Dr.Tawfiq Al-Taweel.
· Dr. Ammar Al-Zahari
Benghazi 16/12/2010