ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
Naif Arab University for Security Sciences will host the participants only in its campus hotel, University Hotel has a single room (single bed rooms only).
For whom like to accommodate outside the university campus, or has company person,
The following hotels give special offer for ACIT’2011 participants:
1- Dome Hotel Suites:
Near to the university and there will be discount for ACIT’2011 participants.
Tel. +96612453924
2- Holiday inn:
Far from the university about 7 Km Tel. +96614505056
Umra Trip:
There will be Umra trip after the conference, the university will facilitate the booking process and all the information needed, but the expenses will be on your own.
Note: Distance from Riyadh to Mecca is about 900 Km.