Nancy DANDACHY* Dimitri PLEMENOS* Safwan CHENDEB** Bachar El HASSAN***
*XLIM Laboratory UMR CNRS 6172, University of Limoges, 83 Rue d'Isle, 87000 Limoges, France
**PARAGRAPHE/CITU Laboratory, University of Paris 8, 93526 Saint Denis, France
***Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Rue AL Arz, Al Kobbeh, Tripoli, Liban
This paper present a novel method dedicated to the Virtual world domain that enhance the visualization of 3D ray traced scenes with embedded objects by creating a hole proportional to its interior parts. The method compute first of all the apparent contour of the interior object that we want to see by using the ray tracing algorithm with the selective refinement optimization approach. The second step tend to search for pixels which are orthogonal in a certain depth, and directed toward the outside of the silhouette in order to create a hole. With this technique and by creating a hole around an interior object, we will be able to have at the same time a global idea about the scene as well as a possibility to explore its interior while saving time and memory
Keywords:Computer Graphics, 3D visualization, selective refinement and ray tracing, contour detection.