Voice Activation Visualization for Echocardiograph and 3d Angiographic Images in Surgery
ACIT'2025 will be held in Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, December 16-18, 2025 - Alexandria, Egypt
The medical images have been widely studied for varies purposes, especially to assist surgeon and medical practitioners. In this paper we proposed a Voice Control Assisted Surgery System, where it was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine 4.0, to display necessary images with chosen features. In this system, the processing and visualizing the medical images and voice recognition control are the most challenging work. Development of this system is useful for surgeons; where they can navigate the system using voice commands instead of keyboard and mouse. Medical practitioners also can facilitate more the angiogram and echocardiograph images. With this system, it can help and ease the work of surgeons in analyzing and processing the medical images especially in-vivo procedure.
Keywords: angiographic, echocardiograph, voice activation.