Dr. Badrul H Khan
ACIT'2024 will be held in Zarqa University, December 10-12, 2024 -Zarqa, Jordan
Dr. Badrul H. Khan, is a world-renowned speaker, author, educator and consultant in the field of ICT and e-learning. Professor Khan has the credit of first coining the phrase Web-based instruction and popularizing the concept through his 1997 best-selling Web-Based Instruction book which paved the way for the new field of e‑learning. His Managing E-Learning book translated into 14 languages. He is the founder of McWeadon Education (a professional development institution). He previously served as the founding Director of the Educational Technology Leadership (ETL) graduate cohort program at The George Washington University, and the founding Director of the Educational Technology (ET) graduate program at the University of Texas, Brownsville. Dr. Khan has served as a consultant to learning development and human resource development projects at: (a) the World Bank, (b) the US Federal Government, (c) the Asian Development Bank, and (d) various academic institutions and corporations in the U.S. and throughout the world. His personal Website: http://BadrulKhan.com/
Abstract: A Global Framework for E-Learning
Advances in information technology, coupled with changes in society, have had a tremendous impact on our present and future worldwide educational and training systems. Participants in the new educational and training paradigm require rich learning environments supported by well‑designed resources. They want increased flexibility in learning—they want to have more say in what they learn, when they learn, and where and how they learn. In this constantly changing technology-savvy world, there will always be a tendency to look for newer versions of emerging technologies. This is not a bad thing! It does not mean that everything accomplished with previous versions of technologies is obsolete. Every bit of help we receive in improving learning environment with the use of emerging technologies adds to our knowledge base of learning with technology. New technologies come and go, but the contributions they make to support meaningful learning remain the key. In this presentation, A Global Framework for E-Learning will be introduced to discuss the utilization of e‑learning methods and their implications for education and training from the perspectives of institutional, pedagogical, technological, ethical, interface design, evaluation, management, and resource support issues. The framework presents checklist to examine the capabilities of various attributes of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies conducive to learning.